Micro-location ratings

Rely on Big Data and market intelligence to evaluate micro-locations. For all addresses in Germany, partial and overall ratings can be generated for the most relevant real estate uses.

Big Data at the push of a button

The sub-ratings are based on some 80 small-scale indicators presented in a 25 x 25 meter nationwide grid. The sub-ratings are then calculated into micro-location ratings for residential, office, retail, commercial, gastronomy, hotel and education uses.

  • Exposure to sunlight
  • View
  • Image of the district
  • Services
  • Leisure / relaxation
  • Public transport
  • Road links
  • Exposure to noise
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Obtain micro-location ratings for any address in Germany at the touch of a button. Or use our API to integrate the ratings into your ecosystem.


Micro-location ratings for


Check the micro-location qualities of your mortgage portfolio automatically at address level.

Institutional investors

Analyze the micro-location qualities in your portfolio automatically at the level of individual properties or building entrances.

Governmental authorities

Small-scale data and ratings support you in planning and real estate decisions.


Assess the micro-location for the most important real estate uses transparently and automatically.

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Test micro-location ratings?

Get in contact with us and test the micro-location rating free of charge. We are happy to advise you on the possible applications in your company.